{ Why I love weaving / pourquoi j'aime tisser }

samedi 12 septembre 2015

I am really new to weaving, but it seems like it landed in my life at the perfect moment! Here are the reasons why:

#1  I love weaving because you can create beautiful things. And I love creating beautiful things!!
I get to play with colors and design! mmm. Yes! please! This piece I made last week was inspired by the  Arizona fabric collection by April Rhodes. I have sewn with some of these fabrics and, really, I adore every color combination she uses.

#2: I love weaving because I can do it while kids play around me, or while my hubby watches tv. It is not noisy and I don't have to lock myself in my studio when I weave.
It is something that gives me the same feeling as hand sewing the binding on a quilt. I feel part of a long line of women, ancestral women who always have felt the need to be creative and managed to create while managing their daily life and chores. Creating in the midst: I love that!

#3: I love to feel the threads under my fingers and I get a similar feeling as touching a great soft fabric or a finished quilt. I am very new to weaving, but still I can sense that there is a whole world to discover out there in terms of quality and texture of yarn. And I am loving the idea of discovering it eventually!

#4. I love weaving because I can share that with my girl and I hope to pass on the love of handmade things to her.
here is her first creation:

#5: I love weaving because I made a deliberate choice to make time for the most important this year: family, friends, Bible study and creativity.
A weaving project takes less of my time and of my energy than a sewing project. It does not leave me tired but rather energized and gives me the feeling of accomplishing something beautiful in a short time.  I need this right now in my life and it came at the perfect time!

My dear friend Rachel says weaving, like knitting, is more about "being" than about "doing". I can only agree with that.

As I posted my most recent weaving on Instagram this week-end, a lovely lady asked if I would sell it. It had not even occured to me that anyone would want to buy my weavings. But she seemed to love this one so much that I could not say no. It felt weird to send her this piece against some money! But then I thought I could buy more yarn with that money! and it felt fair. On the package I sent her, I used the name I used when I sold some of my quilts in the past : "sc studio" and it was fun playing the business woman!

Maybe in the future, will I be able to gift some of my weavings and maybe even sell some of them too. Who knows what the future holds?
 But in the meantime, I am so glad to think that this lady will be happy to look at this piece that I weaved patiently.

4 commentaires:

  1. Sophie this is all so beautiful! I love that you have discovered this gift of yours! And I love the way you are describing this crafting with children present, like women have always done. I think you should totally sell your work! It is incredible!

  2. I think it's a great idea to sell (or gift) your weavings as that way you can keep making them without having to wonder where you'd put the all! :)
    I love the colour combinations you've used, and the designing, and "doing" looks like a really nice pastime.

  3. Sophie, I discovered your page this evening and I am loving reading what you write and seeing what you have made! I am finding a lot of inspiration in how you manage to make time for this. It has challenged me to do the same.
    I began learning to knit and crochet about 3 years ago and I am slowly learning. I have not made anything significant with knitting I am slow and find it hard to keep my place when I am constantly interrupted by my children. Crotchet however, I find much easier I can put it down and pick it back up many times and still know where i am up to. I am making a large crochet blanket for my husband. Its taking along time, but gives me that sense of being rather than doing that you mentioned , and I am really enjoying the process - quite satsifying! I am curious to try weaving, I think my daughter would love it too. How did you begin?
    Thanks for sharing your story, it has encouraged me.

  4. This is a lovely weaving, what wonderful colours too! I remember trying weaving with my mum when I was younger and really enjoying it, I should try again.
    I love the description of it as 'being'. Hand binding a quilt is definitely one of my favourite sewing activities now. There is something quite meditative about it.


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