{ autumn weaving // un tissage d'automne}

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Voilà un nouveau tissage, que je ne vous avais pas encore montré! c'est mon tissage d'automne  aux couleurs douces. Je me suis beaucoup amusée à construire ces dessins géométriques. 

I made this weaving a while ago and had not taken the time to share it here.
I enjoyed the process of weaving this geometric design in fall colors. 

If ever you follow me on Instagram, you may already have seen these shots of the weaving still on its loom. The process really is amazingly therapeutic for me right now. 

I must say that when I got back to work at the beginning of this month, I thought I would have plenty of time to dive into big projects: I wanted to start sewing  a lot again and I wanted to quilt again. 
But really, my kids are growing up and it seems like they need me even more than before!! I thought I could rely on the good old autonomy thing!! but no! they do need me more. They need me for homework, to take them to soccer and horse riding, to take them to bible school ! 
They need to tell me about their days! It is a different kind of me they need from when they were babies. But, still, they need me A LOT! 
And really, this leaves so little energy, and so little me time, in the end!
So at the end of the day, I am happy to sit on the couch and grab my loom. My fingers are busy, my mind is scheming pretty designs and color combo, and that is all I need right now!

I still have plans to sew my wardrobe: they are so many cool patterns I want to make for fall, so I am hoping that when september is over, and we are all settled in our new routines, I will have the energy to sew again!

Si vous me suivez sur Instagram , vous aurez peut-être déjà vu ces photos du tissage encore sur le métier! le processus est réellement thérapeutique pour moi. En ce moment, avec la folie de la rentrée et la reprise des activités de chacun, je n'ai pas la force d'entamer de gros projets coutures. 
Alors je suis très satisfaite de m'asseoir sur mon canapé, avec mon métier à tisser et d'occuper mes doigts avec de douces textures et mon esprit avec des choix de design et de couleurs!

But for now, it makes me happy to touch and look at this wall hanging.
In order to hang it, I used a piece of driftwood I found on the beach during our Italian vacation this summer. I love that I get to have a piece of this beloved place with me right now.

J'aime cette tenture, et je suis heureuse aussi d'y avoir ajouté un morceau de bois flotté trouvé sur ma plage italienne favorite cet été.  Cela lui donne un petit supplément d'âme qui me plait bien!

2 commentaires:

  1. Gorgeous! I really want to try this with the kids. I think it could be a fun family project!

  2. Gorgeous! I really want to try this with the kids. I think it could be a fun family project!


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