{ Entering a new season / le début d'une nouvelle saison

mercredi 9 septembre 2015

September always feels a bit like a second january for me! being a teacher AND a mom I feel even more that it is a new start in the year.  I usually use this time to set new goals according to my new timetable. I take time to reflect upon what I want this new year to look like and our life to look like too!
September is the time to say goodbye to our sweet Italian vacations: oh: yes! How we love our time by the sea, there, together as a family. The food, the people, the language, we try to make the most of it all. 

Septembre a toujours eu un petit air de janvier pour moi! en tant que prof et maman, c'est toujours un moment où je réévalue mes objectifs , surtout en fonction de mon emploi du temps. 
C'est un moment de transition où il faut dire au revoir à nos belles vacances italiennes! Les 10 jours que nous passons là-bas sont toujours une belle parenthèse: les glaces, la plage et la chaleur mais surtout nous 4 ensemble tous les jours! C'est vraiment cela que nous aimons le plus.

 Life is good there. Maybe because of the delicious pasta and amazing icecream. Maybe because we have so little time as a family during the year that we truly enjoy these 10 days together!

But yes, we have to say goodbye to that!

Mais, oui, il faut bien rentrer un jour!! Cette année cette belle petite a eu 9 ans le lendemain de notre retour. Coup dur n° 1! c'était hier que nous sortions de la maternité non???

This year this girl turned 9 the day after we came back and she had a blast with her friends.
She says she would rather still be a baby, because babies have the cutest feet! but still.. I think she is growing up too fast anyways, and without my permission!!

Et puis bien sûr, ils sont retournés  à l'école, mais cette année, dans une nouvelle école, et la première semaine a eu son lot de larmes et d'anxiété.

 And then we all went back to school: these two went to a new school and we had a hard first week. I am glad for one thing: that they felt that it was ok to feel bad and cry in mama's arms because they were anxious of not making friends fast enough. I am trying to parent these kids with as much grace as I can. And I am so glad that they know that I am here for them and that they can find comfort in their home whenever they need it. 
In the end, after 10 days, they are settling in, loving their teachers and they have found new friends. 
I am praying for them a lot these days: praying for protection and joy in learning. 

Ne parlons même pas de l'inscription au foot, qui m'a fait basculer dans un monde inconnu et redouté!! (insérer sanglots de la mère qui va devoir assister aux matchs le samedi!!) .

This boy started playing soccer. And to make a long story short, let's say that we weren't sure at first that we wanted him to play socker! But we agreed and I am so glad we did because I got to witness his delight yesterday as he attended his first real training session!

Et puis, comme ça, aujourd'hui, comme si mon cœur de maman pouvait en supporter davantage, voilà qu'il a 6 ans! Mais bon, il a promis d'être toujours mon bébé! alors tout va bien! (insérer bruits de sanglots de mère démunie!!) .

He also turned 6 today: 2 birthdays in a row are a lot to take in for my mama's heart! No matter how hard I try to enjoy each moment with open hands and a grateful heart, time seems to rush by way too fast!

SO that is where we are at right now! In the midst really, like most of you out there!

voilà donc pour notre vie aujourd'hui... la routine quoi, comme vous! bisous!

5 commentaires:

  1. Your family is beautiful, Sophie! I'm sorry to hear that heading back to school was an emotional adjustment, but I know that in time, they will adapt and make lots of friends. As for the soccer player in the family, how exciting! I love soccer! :)

  2. great photos, Soph! i love that one of Blandine by the pool. Amazing! I remember distinctly having the realization like - wow, I slowed down and enjoyed every moment and yet time did not slow down at all. What the...? :) But you will never regret enjoying the moments (as i know you know). My favorite parenting saying is - You can't slow down the train so you better enjoy the ride. :)

  3. So good to hear from you again Sophie, looks like you had a lovely relaxed summer, you deserved it! Why did the kids change schools? And how are you doing yourself? xo Nienke

  4. So good to hear from you again Sophie, looks like you had a lovely relaxed summer, you deserved it! Why did the kids change schools? And how are you doing yourself? xo Nienke

  5. Seems like you had a wonderful summer. I hope your kids are getting used to the new school fast. What about your teaching lessons? Did you manage to have less than last year?


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