{ Paris! Here I come!! }

jeudi 23 avril 2015

I am beyond excited to say that at the time you read this, I will be on the train to Paris, to meet 13 other sewing bloggers from 9 different countries from all over Europe!

We will be 14 women from 9 different european countries chatting about fabric, patterns and scrolling around Paris searching for the perfect fabric store! Well, if you ask me that might well be heaven on earth for me!

Gioia from dotta (Italy), 
Nina from Fliegfederfrei (Switzerland), 
Maria from La Inglesita (Spain), 
Marta from Do Guincho (Portugal), 
Marte from Compagnie M. (Belgium), 
An from Straight Grain (Belgium),
Nienke from Pienkel (Netherlands),
Maartje from Huisje Boompje Boefjes (Netherlands),
Laura from Craftstorming (UK), 
Laura from Behind the Hedgerow (UK), 
Victoria from As it Seams (UK),
Olu from Needle and Ted (UK)
Annika from Näh-Connection.

When we come back, we will have a huge giveaway involving all our sponsors! 
So be sure to come back next week for fun prizes and I hope some cool photos of our trip! 
 Now I will go and sing: "Freedom! oh freedom! freeeeeeeee-dooom"! 

A l'heure où vous lirez ce post, je serai dans le train pour Paris!! oui Pariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis! 
Je vais y rencontrer 13 autres blogueuses, toutes couturières, venant de 9 pays différents! Nous allons passer quatre jours à flâner dans Paris à la recherche de la boutique de tissus de nos rêves et à parler couture et patrons. Le rêve quoi!!!

A mon retour, et après reprise du travail, nous organiserons un grand giveaway qui impliquera tous nos merveilleux sponsors! Alors, pensez à revenir pour tenter votre chance!
En attendant, je vous fait des biz et vous dis: "Freedom! oh freedom! freeeeeeeee-dooooom"!!!

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