{ around here ...}

mardi 17 février 2015

Around here lately it has been kind of busy for our little family. The winter season is in full swing which means we don't get to see my dear hubby much, so it is just really the kids and I most of the time. 
I am used to that, so I just don't resist the flow anymore. I just know that for 5 months, every year,  there is always a lot of "dying to self" involved for me. I try to do it with as much grace as I can.

 We have been on winter break for 10 days now and here is what has been happening:
Chez nous en ce moment, ce sont les vacances, et la saison. ce qui veut dire beaucoup de temps pour moi en solo avec mes 2 amours. 

#1 : SNOW! lots of snow and skiing for our first week of holidays. I booked ski lessons for the kids everyday for 6 days and it was great to see them enjoy it so much. There was also a lot of sleighing and hot chocolate involved.. of course!!
De la neige, et du ski, bien sûr et tout ce qui va avec: luge en bonus et chocolat chaud. 


# 2 While they were taking their ski lessons I usually sat at the terrasse of a café overlooking the most amazing moutains and marking pupil's worksheets or reading my Bible. 

Pendant que les enfants prenaient leurs cours de ski, je me prélassais au soleil, en terrasse face à une des plus belles vues des Alpes! 

# 3 As for my Bible reading plan, I am doing great. I am actually amazed at how this experience has been a blessing to me and how life changing it is. My friend Rachel and I we are following the Eat this Book plan, just in case you might be interested. Life changing experience, I am telling you!

Mon projet de lire la Bible en un an avec mon amie Rachel avance et me transforme. Je ne peux que conseiller ce genre d'expérience. 

# 4 We have received our first letter from our sponsor child in Nicaragua. The kids and I were so excited to read this letter together. It was a very moving moment. 
I am trying to raise grateful and generous children who will be a support to others who are less lucky than they are. This sponsorship is an amazing opportunity for them to open their eyes and their hearts. 

Nous avons reçu la première lettre de l'enfant que nous sponsorisons au Nicaragua. La lecture de la lettre a été un beau moment partagé avec les enfants. Quand on essaie d'apprendre à ses enfants à être reconnaissant pour ce qu'ils ont et généreux envers les autres, c'est vraiment une belle expérience.

 #5 I got an Instagram account and ... well, my friend Rachel would say I am now on the dark side!! but actually I am enjoying it a lot. 
Much more than Facebook. I like that you don't get all the adverts and the rubbish you get on FB. I like that you can really choose who you follow and who follows you. I use it mainly as a way to share my creative process . So, from now on, I will not use the "C'est la vie" facebook account anymore.

 If you want, you can follow me on Instagram. I would be very pleased to see you there. But again, nothing fancy, just my daily life and projects. I am not trying to impress anyone, I have stopped trying to impress anyone a long time ago!!

Et oui, je suis passée de l'autre côté, du côté obscur de la force... et j'ai maintenant un compte Instagram. 

#6 As a result of my Instagram wandering, I stumbled upon this account which led me to this one!! 
Christy Tomlinson is one amazing artist, and for a reason I can't really explain I am totally in love with what she does. 
As soon as I got to her account, in my very obsessive-Sophie-fashion, I spent too much a lot  of time watching her youtube videos and strolling through her blog and I WAS HOOKED. I have always drawn and doodled and sketched , on and off over the years. And I think I was in search of something new to learn, being the learner that I am. So here I am pulling out and organizing all the supplies I have in my stash from my scrapbooking past experience to paint, rub-ons, pencils and brushes, trying my hands at mixed -media. 
 I bought one of  her workshop, only because it was on sale!! and dived right into it with a delight equal to the one I feel when I start a sewing project!
Lors de mes errances sur Instagram, justement, j'ai découvert ce compte, puis ce compte qui m'ont fait découvrir une artiste de mixed-media tout à fait fabuleuse: Christy Tomlinson.http://www.christytomlinson.typepad.com/   Pour une raison que je ne comprends pas encore tout à fait, j'ai été immédiatement séduite par ses créations et je me suis, comme toujours , plongée avec délice et de manière tout à fait obsessionnelle dans ses posts, ses vidéos, ... Voilà donc, ma nouvelle lubie: le mixed-media, ainsi que ma première tentative de création. 
Comme toute première tentative, elle est un peu ridicule mais j'ai eu tellement de joie à faire ça que j'aurais du mal à ne pas y retourner!

 I know it might look a bit silly, first projects always are, but I also know that it felt GOOD to make this! 
Do you think it is OK to have different creative endeavors?? 

#7 This morning, I was shocked to find out that I am one of the bloggers awarded on the Madalynne blog as "best international sewing blog"! I was like: "wait!! what??"
 Because really I think it is so undeserved. Although I always try to post quality projects, and photos,  I have been neglecting this poor blog since I went back to work in september. But I guess some of my faithful readers might have voted for me, and I am so thankful for your support!

 It just makes me realize that I am so blessed to be able to share my passion with other people around the world. Being creative is a part of me, and I know it is good for me but it can also bring good to others.

Ce matin j'ai été choquée de découvrir que j'avais gagné un "award"! celui du meilleur blog de couture international, attribué par des lecteurs et lectrices et par un panel de blogueuses, le tout orchestré par la talentueuse Madalynne! 

Well, there are the highlights of my otherwise quite mundane life. But there is so much grace and beauty to be found in the ordinary, don't you think? 

2 commentaires:

  1. Hi Sophie, I am SO glad that you were included in the list of top bloggers as it was there that I found you and immediately subscribed to your blog! You impressed upon me the need to refocus on my relationship with God and I am going to chase up the link you provided to Eat This Book. Thank you! On another note, I love your sewing style and your completed items. Keep up the efforts :)

  2. Coucou, perso je n'aime pas beaucoup laisser mes doigts plein d'encre ou de peinture hihi... mais je suis en admiration devant ces belles réalisations, bise bise du dimanche


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