{ A Zebra in my life and other news // Un sacré zèbre ...}

mercredi 11 juin 2014

 This week is just one of these crazy weeks: I just don't know how I am going to get through to sunday!!
I have so much written on my calendar !!
On monday night, we came back from 3 days away ! It was gorgeous and so good to spend time together as a family in the south of France... but.. 
I have meetings at work for end of school year almost every night (did you know I work full time as a teacher??!:))
+ I am sick
+ there is end of school year party at my kid's school on friday
+ there is end of year celebration on sunday at our  horse riding club.....and ..... and .... you know?!! Yes you do know I am sure!

SO when the teacher asked me if I could make a zebra costume for my boy's part for this friday's school play!! I went "yes of course!" but my head started spinning!! when?? how??
Because you see.. I don't do costumes!!
The only costume I ever made was this donkey skin for my girl.

Pour être honnête je ne sais pas comment je vais arriver au bout de cette semaine! 
Il y a tant de rendez-vous et de "à faire " sur mon calendrier que ça me tourne la tête!
+ c'est la fin de l'année scolaire: il faut remplir les bulletins, les notes, les fiches, faire les conseils de classe...; (saviez-vous que je travaille comme prof??!)
+ j'ai une sinusite du tonnerre
+ vendredi c'est la fête de l'école de mes enfants
+ dimanche c'est la fête du club du poney...etc... etc.. Vous voyez l'ambiance??

Alors quand la maîtresse de mon boy m'a demandé vendredi dernier de faire un costume de zèbre pour la pièce dans laquelle joue mon fils vendredi: j'ai souris, dit "oui, bien sûr" pendant que mon cerveau affolé tentait de décider QUAND et COMMENT j'allais pouvoir faire un truc pareil!!

My local shop only had this fabric: a really shiny  fabric!! The bee Gees Meet the Madagascra characters sort of fabric! argh!! oh well: that'll do!!:) I didn't have time to buy online anyway!
It turned out to be a night mare to sew!!

SO!! yesterday was the only afternoon I had free to make it: I grabed my Knight hoodie pattern in size 4 and my Parsley pants pattern in size 5 !! and I did go for it!

In less that 4 hours I made these!!:) please don't look at the details : there aren't any!!:) ahah!! I did not have time for details !!:)

Pas le temps de commander du tissu zèbre sur le net: je me suis rendue dans ma boutique locale qui n'avait que ce tissu disons... en plastique zébré brillant façon "les Bee Gees rencontrent les personnages de Madagascar"!! bon! OK!!! allons-y pour ça!!
J'ai utilisé les patrons du Sweat chevalier pour le haut et du pantalon Parsley pour le bas. 

 The pants are made out of black linen and scraps of the "shiny zebra"
 I used fleece to make the hair in black and white
  and added a fleece nose and some ears!! I do love the ears!!:)

The boy is so happy and says he will be the nicest character of the play:) bless him!

In other news I am so excited about the following:
A part cela je suis très heureuse de ce qui suit:

#1 : I am next on the As it Seams TAKE ONE DRESS series and I am happy about the inspiration provided by Heidi to me!  Check out the image that is my source of inspiration!!

My dress is almost finished! It is going to be hard not to share until the 7th of July!

J'ai la chance d'être la suivante dans la série "take this dress" créée par Victoria il y a plus d'un an sur son blog As it Seams: le principe: une couturière propose une photo de robe comme source d'inspiration à une autre couturière, qui crée une robe et en propose une autre à une troisième,etc... vous me suivez?  La photo ci-dessus est la source d'inspiration qui m'a été proposée. Ma version est presque finie et il va être difficile d'attendre jusqu'au 7 juillet pour vous la montrer!!:) 

# 2 : I have been invited to be part of Annika's series : SEW FANTASTIC BLOGS starting in two weeks: you can read all about it on her blog but here is a little summary of the dates and bloggers featured:

 J'ai également été invitée par Annika pour participer à une autre série qu'elle va initier dans 2 semaines. Cette série lui permet de faire découvrir les blogs de couturières qu'elle aime et je suis très honorée d'avoir été choisie!

Well well dear friends! busy me is going to mark some more work sheets and fill up end of year reports!!

To say I am looking forward for the summer break is an understatement!!
hugs to you

10 commentaires:

  1. Oh Sophie, this really sound stressy. Hope you'll do well the last week(s). When does your summer break start?
    And I love the zebra costume. I made one for R last carneval (http://naeh-connection.blogspot.de/2014/01/kcw-day-1-and-2-kcw-tag-1-und-2.html) using a zebra jersey and my daughter takes it out to play with her friend again and again. I hope that your's will get a lot of use, too.
    Love Annika

    1. Annika:) your zebra looks so much better than mine!!:) our summer break starts on the 6th of july!! can't wait!

  2. What a cute costume! I love it!

    1. Oh:) thanks Jill! And thanks for visiting although I am being so unfaithful to scrapbooking!:)

  3. Love the costume! You did awesome. I know all about stress. Take care, Sophie.

  4. I want to see the show !!! Madagascar meets the Bee Gees - love it! That made me laugh so much. The things we mothers do , the challenges we rise to - I think we are heroic !

    1. ahah! yes! my son will look awesome for sure! he will be the only glitter animal!:) And yes, us mothers we do deserve medals, and they come when we get kisses and hugs for the things we do!:) have a great day!

  5. Oh Sophie, what a good mom, sewist AND teacher you are. Holy Moly you do have a lot on your plate. You are inspiring. Congrats on your recognition-well deserved. I think we need to start a club: The Creative Working Mom's Group. ;) (we would tolerate each other being exhausted all the time)


  6. Is it possible to look at this costume and /not/ smile?! So cute! I love it! You totally nailed it.


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