{ CARGO DUFFLE SEW ALONG: PART 5 : making gussets and handles }

vendredi 14 mars 2014

 Welcome back to 
the Cargo duffle Sew along !
Are you ready to make gussets and handles??

Let’s do it!
  so read carefully the pattern as well as Anna's post. 
for today's part , I am just giving you some tips

I apologize in advance for the changes of font in this post: for some reason blogger would not let me choose my font this thime!! arghhhhhh!
1. Make the zipper gusset: 
  • I like to attach one part at a time to my zipper, because it is a heavy kind of zipper and it tends to move when you sew.
  •  So I place it on my canvas and stitch a raw of basting stitches (longest stitch on your machine) as close as possible to the edge:
  • Then I place my cotton on top, right side down:
  •  tip: make sure the pattern will go the right direction
  • now add batting and quilt.

2. Make the handles: coudre les anses:
  • sew, as indicated, main and accent fabrics along one long side / coudre le long des deux pièces
  •  press well
  • then fold both pieces towards seam / press well/ plier chaque pièce vers la couture:
  •   I added the strip of canvas at this point to strengthen handles / ajouter un morceau de toile pour renforcer:une bande de 1 pouce 1/2
  •  Then fold again / bring accent fabric on top of main , leaving a bit of main on each side/ pin well:
  • ramener le morceau le moins large sur l'autre en laissant dépasser sur les côtés le tissu principal:
  •  top stitch/ surpiquez (j'aime coudre 6 lignes de surpiqures pour un look pro!)
  • I like to add 6 lines of topstiching: it looks more professional:
Well!! you are done with this part!!
well done!

Et voilà! bravo! le chat adore!! voilà ce que je trouve le matin au réveil quand j'entre dans mon atelier!!:) attention un chat peu cacher un sac!
Look! This is what I see when I enter my sewing room in the morning!! Where is my bag?? underneath the huge cat!!

Next time we will assemble the bag!
and then all we will have to do is line it if desired!

Allez la prochaine fois: on assemble le sac!! prêtes!!
on se revoit mercredi!?

SO!!! see you next wednesday!


4 commentaires:

  1. I've just sewn the zipper. Success!! Off to quilt the gusset now. Let's see if I have time today to sew the handles too...

  2. I love all the details. They will help me more precise with my other bags! That cat is pretty smart-perfectly positioned for some loving. :)

  3. I just completed quilt the zipper gusset. :) Since I had added fabric when I cut my pattern pieces I want to check to make sure I am trimming the completed zipper gusset to the right size. Is the zipper gusset size 6.5" wide x 27.5" long? Thank you!

    1. yes that's it Heart Treasures! you are doing this right!!


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