{ SIMPLE SATURDAY- a Crate Paper Layout }

samedi 20 juillet 2013

 Hi folks and happy week-end!

Here is a very simple design with a few details just like I live them, to document this year's mothers' day:
I used a mix of The Pier and Party Day on white cardstock.

A quick layout but  I love the photos of my kids with their presents for me!

By the way : did you see what Crate Paper is revealing for CHA!! they did it again: some amazing collection I am drooling over!!
I mean...... just the new Maggie Holmes collection is to die for....

In other news, have you seen the new American Crafts DT for 2013-2014!! such an amazing bunch of ladies: I am not on the list as I didn't apply for another year although I ADORED every minute of this past year. For I have a lot more work awaiting me in september at school.

But do not worry: I have some cool news to be revealed in august!!

Anyways: I am off to do some gardening! the day is glorious and I wish you a great week-end.


bonjour amis francophones
voici une page toute simple faite avec les produits Crate Paper The Pier et Party Day. Quelques petits détails comme je les aime mais surtout des photos à croquer!!
Au fait avez-vous vu les nouvelles collections d'automne de Crate Paper:) A TOMBER!!

Allez: passez un bon week-end!

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