{ Calliope Blog Hop WINNER! }

vendredi 21 novembre 2014

 Life has been taking upon sewing in the last week!
But I do not forget you and I really enjoyed reading all your lovely comments of my backpack:)

 Today it is time to announce the winner of the Calliope Fat quarter bundle:

What a sweet backpack! I love how you centered the muse on the back. I am still afraid of piping though;). This line is a definite purchase for me. Expecting baby girl #4 in April and I think she'll need some accessories from these fabrics!

Congratulations: Jamie!! I will be in touch soon!

I will be back soon with a bit more sewing!

1 commentaire:

  1. Thanks is much, Sophie! I got some additional yardage from Hawthorne threads and now I'm all ready to make some bassinet sheets and baskets. Thanks again!!!


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