mardi 21 octobre 2014

As I am typing this post I am completely overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. 
If you follow my blog you may know that I teach. You may also know that since september my time table changed , a lot, and that I am left with very little time to look after my kids and sew. 
I had to let go of some of my sewing goals and dreams. 
I had to let go of a lot of quality time  with my kids. 
And it is hard for me. 
Now, don't get me wrong. I know that I am very lucky in many ways. And I know other women have to let go of bigger, more important dreams.
 I have a lot: I have health and a house and a job. 
But this change was not planned, not wanted and hard to settle in.
And I am creative, I must be creative in order to stay sane!

I did share my thoughts and feelings with my dear sewing online friend Annika , From Nah-Connection, a while ago, because she is so kind to me.

Il m'est arrivé quelque chose de tout à fait extraordinaire la semaine dernière. 
Vous savez peut-être que j'ai dû reprendre le travail à plein temps et que l'adaptation à ce nouveau rythme , au manque de temps pour mes enfants et mes activités couturesques a été très difficile. 
J'ai fait part de mes sentiments à mon amie Annika du blog Näh-connection. 
Et pour me consoler elle a organisé une sorte d'opération "sauvons Sophie" en ligne!!:) 
J'ai reçu de sa part un colis comprenant des tissus tout prêts à être cousus, et un patron écrit de sa main. Elle y a même ajouté une bobine de fil. Je n'ai donc plus rien à faire que de m'asseoir à ma machin et de me faire plaisir!:)  Je suis tellement émue de cette attention. 
Quelques jours après j'ai reçu un colis de la part de Jessica Abbott, créatrice du blog The sewing Rabbit, rempli de tissus magnifiques! 
Je n'arrive pas à croire que ces filles aient pris le temps de faire ces paquets et de les envoyer pour me remonter le moral! 
Ma gratitude est immense.

Well what follows has been an amazing surprise to me: last week I got a package in the post, I opened it and found some fabric, already cut and prepared along with the perfect matching spool of Guterman thread, a hand written pattern for a market tote (I mean she actually took the time to write it down for me!!:) and a wonderful card : the whole thing got me in tears of gratitude and joy. 

It turns out my dear Annika has gathered some blogging friends in order to lift up my spirits ! Some of them prepared some small sewing projects from start to finish so all I have to do is sit and sew!!

At the back of the card she wrote these words: 
"When life gives you lemons, make yourself some lemonade"
My new mantra!!

This wowan inspires me everyday. 
So far I have also received a huge pack of amazing gold fabrics from Jessica Abbott from the Sewing Rabbit! I could not believe I was getting something all the way from the US, just to make me feel better!
and guess what? 
it worked!!
I don't know if other bloggers participated but I am overwhelmed with joy already!!

I am on fall break right now, therfore I am keeping Annik'as project for next week, when I go back into the full swing of work and crazy schedules!
I realize that I had to die to some of my plans and dreams, 
but God replaced that with love and joy!
How can I not be most grateful!!
And: no, I won't achieve a lot this year, I won't have the coolest sewing blog in France nor the coolest handmade clothes.
But I have the best relationships, and it matters so much more!

And when I grabbed my camera this week-end, I could see His glory all around me, everywhere:
At the front door:

In the gift handed to me by my child:

 In the joy of being together:
 And in the beautiful Fall landscapes:

 Life is good friends! Enjoy!

10 commentaires:

  1. What a wonderful, uplifting post. Happy Fall break to you and happy crafting!

  2. It's so wonderful to have such caring friends, what a sweet gesture! I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better, I can't wait to see your tote. :)

  3. Coucou, c'est très chouette l'entraide... big bisou

  4. You have good friends! L'internet et ce monde du blog c'est bien plus que les "posts". J'espere que tu passes une belle semaine de vacances et surtout de repos, couture et beaucoup de calins et bisoussss de tes enfants. Moi je te fais un "virtual hug". xxx

    1. Merci beaucoup pour ta visite! Oui jamais je n'aurais cru que ce blog puisse m'apporter autant ! Incroyable et totalement miraculeux! ah! Oui vives les vacances: j'essaie d'absorber le repos et les câlins par tous les pores de ma peau! Passe une belle fin de semaine!

  5. What a joyous post. Sometimes its so very easy to get lost in the everyday...I'm happy for you that you have such wonderful friends and so many blessings.


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