I finally made myself a Penelope Peplum Top !
I had this pattern since its release but never dared sewing it!
Because, you know, just like my friend Rachel puts it: "I don't sew knits"!!
But, after dear Annika started the "save Sophie" project (!!) Jessica Abbott sent me this most amazing jersey, rainbow and glitter all at once!
what I need to wear to lift up my spirit. Even though this one is
particulary soft and slippery and crazy to stitch for a "non knit" sewer
like myself!
J'ai enfin cousu un top Penelope Peplum.
Un patron tout simple mais très effrayant pour moi. Parce que vraiment: je ne couds pas de jersey!! aha! non non! Trop effrayant! trop de risque d'échec!!
Mais là. je ne pouvais pas résister! Jessica de The sewing Rabbit m'a envoyé ce magnifique tissu je ne pouvais pas lutter: les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel ET qui brillent!!
I did struggle and my stripes are not perfectly matched at the sleeves: hey! that is my FIRST attempt at stripes matching!! I have got to be kind to myself!!:) I usually AVOID anything that has "matching" involved!
It is sooooooooo soft to wear and I feel like I am wearing a cuddly cloud!
I did not have enough of this gorgeous fabric for longer sleeves, but my next version will have longer sleeves for sure! Because, they say the snow is coming at the end of the week and I might have to wear hats and gloves soon!
SO thank you Jessica for this amazing knit!
Thank you for the rainbow and softness, and for the smile on my face!
Superbe !!! (le top et celle qui le porte ;-) ).
RépondreSupprimerLe tissu est très joli !
Merci Johanna! j'espère que tes aventures coutures perso avancent bien!!
SupprimerJe suis bien occupée pour le moment. Donc, la couture perso, ce sera probablement pour janvier (j'espère !!!)
SupprimerYou look fabulous:)
RépondreSupprimerMy first thought was "hey, that's jersey!" When I ask my mom to fix something involving jersey she says it's tricky material. And you did great job.
thanks! yes I am getting better at this jersey thing! and it is so nice to wear too!
SupprimerYou look AMAZING! Sophie, you could be a model! Stunning! And I love the top! I want one. Your stripes look good to me! So, do you sew knits now? Watch out - they're addictive! ;)
RépondreSupprimerah! thank you! it is only because I show my good profile!! Yes I sew knits now and I love it really!! no closure needed most of the time , so it makes for quick projects!
SupprimerI've not been brave enough to sew with stripes yet, but your top is lovely and you looks so pretty in it!
RépondreSupprimerThank you Patty. Yes, my first stripes! it is ok on the side seams, it is only the sleeves I have to get better at!:) I am planning another Penelope with bigger stripes and longer sleeves, so we'll see!
SupprimerThat fabric is beautiful! And I think that you have done QUITE well for a non-knit sewer.
RépondreSupprimerYour top is lovely, what a perfect fit! And you are so pretty, I especially love the photo with the wind in your hair!
RépondreSupprimerHow come I haven't seen this post before? I was looking for something else on your blog and stumbled upon it. How cool! I love the fabric that Jess sent you and you look just fabulous! And, hello, that stripe matching is soo good. Getting stripes right with thinner jersey is super difficult, so you've done great!