this week I continue with the thankful thursday!
today I am thankful for*
my internet scrapbooking friends! I am so happy to have settled my blog and to take part in challlenges. I have "met" so many amazing scrappers since March !
I am particularly thankful for my friend Sheri and I am so happy God looked after her so well recently! She is an amazing scrapper and a wonderful person, she is always so supportive.
modern medecine!
I am so happy doctors will soon be able to fix my baby's kidney. I am so glad for this surgeon I met who said he settled a new technique and will be able to help us! thank god for that!
being able to have dreams!
I am a great dreamer ! I love these lyrics by Mindy Gledhill:
"I am going to live a crazy dream
impossible as it may seem
doesn't matter what the future brings
i 'm going to live a crazy dream
I wanna hold the whole wide world
right here in my open hands
maybe I am just a little girl
a litlle girl with great big plans"

impossible as it may seem
doesn't matter what the future brings
i 'm going to live a crazy dream
I wanna hold the whole wide world
right here in my open hands
maybe I am just a little girl
a litlle girl with great big plans"
One of my biggest dreams, (as crazy as it may seem!!) is to be part of Elle's studio DT. I love her gallery so much and her journaling tags are just the cuttest ever!
I have been waiting since the last DT call in order to apply and now the time has come and I am ready!! I made this layout the night before applying and I hope Elle enjoys it:
supplies: magpie club october kit ( lily bee papers and rubbons, tag, felt butterfly) and Elle's studio journaling tags
I have been waiting since the last DT call in order to apply and now the time has come and I am ready!! I made this layout the night before applying and I hope Elle enjoys it:
supplies: magpie club october kit ( lily bee papers and rubbons, tag, felt butterfly) and Elle's studio journaling tags
I also want to share this layout inspired by Melanie , who is part of Elle's studio DT.
supplies: magpie club october kit and sassafras las stickers. Elles' studio journaling tags
and last but not least here is my take on this week's challenge over at the studio challenges: create a 50per cent journaling layout!
well I grabbed an idea from Shimelle's class (see previous post) and created this layout: I wrote a letter of love anbd edvice to my kiddos just in case they didn't listen to me enough!!!
OK this was a very long post!!
I hope you stayed with me until the end!!! if you did: well you deserve big hugs!! have a glorious day!
amis francophones!! bonjour!!
un post trèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèès long pour partager pas mal de choses en plus de mon "jeudi reconnaissant"!
j'ai déposé une candidature pour la DT de Elle's studio design!! après tout il faut avoir des rêves!
je partage donc avec vous 2 pages faites récemment avec ses produits que j'adore!
et ma participation au challenge de la semaine au studio challenge blog: faire une page avec au moins 50 pour cent de journaling!!
voilà! merci de votre visite! j'espère que vous profitez de ces belles journées de vacances!!
Gorgeous work, Sophie :) Thanks for joining in with our journaling challenge! x
RépondreSupprimerJ'adore celle des premiers pas de Maxence :) Et les photos sont superbes !
All these layouts are great! I love your take on The Studio challenge, it's really lovely and it will be a great page to look back on in the years to come. Thanks for joining in with us!
RépondreSupprimerYour layouts are just beautiful! So much eye candy to feast on...yummy!:)
RépondreSupprimerI'm glad the doctor was able to help your son. And isn't the internet a fantastic place? Brilliant LOs too
RépondreSupprimerTes pages sont vraiment superbes avec beaucoup de finesse et de délicatesse
RépondreSupprimerBonne nouvelle pour ton petit maxence, c'est genial !!!
Bon week end
Hi Sophie, thanks for all the lovely comments over at my blog and at the studio challenge blog! I loved yr takes on the journalling and home challenges, all the best!
RépondreSupprimerAlso, all the best for your application for Elle's studio, those were really gorgeous layouts, hope u get in! Sorry to hear about your baby and glad there are going to be docs that can help fix the kidney... So nice to read your thkful list, I do that too but on tuesdays.
Take care, am now following your blog!
Hello again! Thanks for dropping by and joining too... :) Yup my home activities are more or less inspired by Montessori, but I do just invent up stuff along the way too, what ever that works! Have a great week!