This week was very "interesting", i would say, having to return to work after A year and a half of being a stay at home mum!! I became again : the teacher who sometimes has to give nasty looks to the pupils in order to be respected; a role i find a bit hard to enter sometimes, considering i am probably the most cheerful , smiling person ! But i love my job and it was so nice to see all these young faces in front of me in class! some happy, others reluctant to come to school(yet another year!!) , some really shy and scared! I hope this year will go fine and that i will be able to give these kids a real insight on french litterature and language beauties!!
and there that happened too! My girl going back to shool! no tears so far - fingers crossed!
Between preparation for work and dealing with 2 kiddos( i mean running from my school , to her school, to his nanny; doing the food shopping, cleaning, giving baths and cooking, reading bedtime stories and cuddling baby because his teeth are so painfully growing...! being a mum ! ) I managed to scrap a bit!
I did this I love:
And this !
I used this creative scrappers sketch (although only for the pleasure of it as it was too late to enter the contest!) :
I hope you are fine too and enjoying your week end! Thank you for your comments!
Merci de votre visite! j'ai passé une semaine de rentrée agréable et Blandine était contente de retourner à l'école! il faudra juste s'habituer au rythme un peu fou de la maman qui travaille! Je passe un merveilleux week-end au soleil et d'ailleurs je vous quitte pour en profiter encore d'avantage!! à bientôt!
Hi Sophie! Just wanted to stop and thank you for being such a sweetheart on my blog! And wow! Your layouts are gorgeous! My fav, of course, is the one with the oh so cute Elle's Studio tags! Both are great though!
RépondreSupprimeroh goss are these gorgeous! i love the clothesline and the Websters :) glad i found your blog
RépondreSupprimerEncore de belles choses ! ta robe bleue, c'est celle dont tu parlais je parie, elle a l'air trop belle... j'espère que tu vas bien (sinon, J. a pas le film, sorry !) bisous, à demain
RépondreSupprimerencore 2 superbes pages, bravo
RépondreSupprimerune préférence pour la dernière, j'aime beaucoup l'effet du hors cadre
bravo et bisous
j'aime beaucoup le scrap princesse d'un jour
RépondreSupprimerje garde pleins d'idées pour mes scraps
bisous a bientôt