{ Happy checkerboard quilt: a work in progress}

dimanche 6 octobre 2013

Well, well, with school back in full swing and my own timetable finally settled at work, I managed to get organized and get some time for my sewing projects.
I have a few on the go but this one is almost finished: yes: a quilt top AND its happy back awaiting to be quilted!!

The top is a happy postage stamp cut out of different fabrics from my stash , mostly Riley Blake designs including "Little Red hood"and "Bake Sale".  Other fabrics include "just my type" by Patty young and Liberty Lawn. The squares are small with each finished square measuring 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches. I alternated patterned prints with neutral fabric for a checkerboard look.

The piecing was a real pleasure and I used  Rita's Postage Stamp Tutorial from Red Pepper quilts. I started with strips of fabrics measuring 3"x10"

I really love the happy look of this top:

The back is also a patchwork of the beautiful mushroom print from Little Red Hood and left overs from the top:It is the first time I make a scrappy back and I love it!:)

Here is to another fun time at the machine: I love machine quilting and can't wait to get started on this one: straight lines are calling my name!

final size will be 44 x65"

happy sunday!


bonjour et bon dimanche!
un peu de work in progress par ici!
Hier , les enfants étant soit à la sieste , soit avec leurs cousins, j'ai enfin réussi à finir le top et le dos de ce futur quilt. 
Un quilt en échiquier où alternent les couleurs vives aux les dessins naïfs et les tons clairs, imprimés de textes ou de motfis discrets. La plupart des tissus est issue des collections de Riley Blake : Little REd Hood ou Bake Sale. Mais il y a aussi des Liberty et des tissus de chez Michael Miller. 
L'ensemble est très frais, printanier et sera parfait pour égayer une chambre de petite fille !

Il ne me reste plus qu'à le quilter.. Hmmm. j'adore quilter à la machine! 
Vivement la prochaine sieste!!:)

bon dimanche

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