mercredi 25 septembre 2013

Today I am sharing a bed cover I made for my girl's bedroom.
It is a simple giant star wuilt I made using this awesome tutorial and Jeni Baker fabric collection: Color Me Retro . I added a pieced-border, like Amy from Diary of a quilter (you can see her giant star quilt here) .
I used simple straight lines for the quilting and left most of the negative space unquilted.

I wanted something girly and fresh and my girl loves the result!

It was not easy to take pictures of it: it is so big and it was so windy outside! a fun photo session!!

I placed it on my king size bed so you can see it better!!

I also love the fabric I used for the back : a pretty floral in blue and purple :

and stitched the binding by hand.

well well ! that is all from me today!!:) hope you are enjoying your week!

bonjour amis francophones!
aujourd’hui, un peu de couture! je viens de finir ce couvre-lit pour ma fille. J'ai utilisé ce tuto et les tissus Color Me Retro de Jeni Baker. 

On a bien ri en essayant de prendre la chose en photo: le vent était vraiment trop fort et la chose vraiment trop grande!!:)
alors posée sur mon lit, elle a l'air plus jolie quand même!!:)

voilà: je voulais quelque chose de simple et de frais et ma fille adore!!:)

allez mon repas m'appelle! bis

6 commentaires:

  1. Your Quilt is awsome, fantastic colors ...
    Greetings Barbara

  2. It's very big, really. And very fresh, you are right. You daughter is lucky)

  3. Fabuleux! Un travail de doigts de fée!

  4. wish I could sew this is gorgeous!

  5. Waouh ! Quel travail !! C'est magnifique, j'imagine qu'il a fallu beaucoup de patience !

  6. oh this is just AWESOME--SO beautiful!!


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