{ me and my books}

mercredi 10 juillet 2013

 That 's a long love story! as a kid I used to go to bed early so I could read alone in my bed, and now as an adult I cannot go to sleep without having read a few pages of a good book, even at 2 am.
Some heros are like friends to me: Jane Eyre, Claudine, Emma,..........

I really hope my children will share this love of books too.
I made this layout about my girl reading on the sofa, using American Crafts Lucky Charm supplies. 

We are back from the pool: really this summertime is so relaxing!
hope yours is too!:)

bonjour amis francophones
une page en American Crafts Lucky Charm sur ma petite qui lit. 
une page toute simple avec une superposition de papiers en 3 couleurs. 

Nous revenons de la piscine................. oui vraiment ces vacances sont très appréciées!

5 commentaires:

  1. what a BEAUTIFUL story behind a lovely page--seriously AWESOME!!

  2. Cute picture and lovely page! The colors are so pretty! I bought Lucky Charms and haven't had a chance to use it yet!

  3. This is beautiful! I love the colors! :)

  4. I'm with you, can't understand how someone can't love reading. Beautiful page!

  5. Wow Sophie, i love this Page!! I love the DotsPaper, the Picture, the Story (and that my Kids love reading too!) and just everything on this Page! Fabulos!

    I know, i asked you before... would i t be ok for you if I would show your Page in a lifting Challenge? Or just link it? Whatever you think ;-)
    LG Bine


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