as for last month Lisa waited for new CHA releases and you will have to wait at least another week to see inpsiration from the DT.
But to be honest you just need to look at it to love it!! right!!
It is packed with Dear Lizzy products! and Lilly Bee!
bonjour amis francophones!
le nouveau kit de mars de Scrapbook circle est là et c'est un merveille:! des tonnes de la nouvele collection Dear Liozzy!! hmmmmmmm!!

I also got the add-on again this month
ce mois-ci j'ai aussi pris le kit supplémentaire: adorable!!
ce tampon est un délice et les boutons MME sont à croquer!
and for the first time Lisa is offering a cardstock add-on: had to have it too as I am not very good at finding colors!!
and I had my eyes on this punch for a while :
ah et puis je voulais ça depuis un moment!!hihi!!

well !!
hope you are in love too!!
come back soon for some inspiration!!
I'm SO excited to work with this kit!! Hope you bought that punch-I got one too! :)
RépondreSupprimerI can NOT wait to get all this in my hands!!
RépondreSupprimeroh wow................can't wait to see what you do with this Sophie