
vendredi 10 avril 2015

{ How long do you want to be loved? a Hip Kit Club layout }

 These two... they are so close. always together, playing, chatting, sleeping in the same room as often as they are allowed, fighting too!
Oh, ces deux là!! quelle chance ils ont d'être là l'un pour l'autre!  Ils passent la plupart de leur temps ensemble, à  jouer, bavarder, lire, et se chamailler!
Cette photo, je  l'adore! Je l'avais prise en début d'année quand j'avais fait la robe de Reine des neiges pour Blandine. Il fallait donc la scrapper!!

I was listening to this song last time, an old lullaby called "Lullaby" sang by Edie Crey and Sarah Sample and it sang:
"How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
'Cause I am never never giving you up "
I thought it was totally appropriate for their sibling love and for the love I feel for them. 

It is my first time playing with a Hip Kit Club and I must say I am hooked!
The very beautiful choice of papers and the gorgeous embellies really have my heart.

Pour la première fois j'ai utilisé un kit de chez Hip Kit Club et vraiment , j'adore leur choix de papiers et d'embellissements! tout est adorable et parfaitement coordonné. Pour cette  page j'ai utilisé beaucoup de produits Crate Paper. 

I usually start with a white cardstock but this photo was calling for dark blue!

When I saw the gorgeous cork hearts I immediatly imagined a love banner!! I used my sewing machine to stitch them together and then added some of the hearts from the Crate Paper sheet of embellies.
J'ai créé une bannière en cousant ensemble à la machine les cœurs en liège qui se trouvent dans le kit. 

I have always been crazy about Crate Paper! everything they do is perfection!I had to cluster this cute camera and a tag along with that big floral "&": who could resist , really?

We are finally on spring break! yay! so I hope spring will be here for good and that we can enjoy lots of picnics and fun in the garden!

3 commentaires:

  1. Ooh, I love those hearts! You didn't get rusty at all during your scrappy hiatus. It's as if you never stopped!

  2. Ça fait plaisir de retrouver des pages de scrap... Magnifique !!!

  3. Just love this page too. So much movement tot he photo and the page design. Great use of colors too
